Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I'll start off with the fantastic news!  In three weeks and many slips along the way, I am down 12 pounds!  I put on a pair of jeans yesterday, that I have been wearing quite uncomfortably the last month, only to find out that they fit quite comfortably!  Not big, a little loose around the waist, and super comfy!  I can actually touch my toes in these jeans with the zipper up and the button buttoned!

Now, the not so fantastic news.  I was super gung-ho about writing this blog and I'm totally bummed that I haven't been keeping up with it.  Here's why:

I got some amazing yummies from my neighbor, three acorn squash and two beautiful eggplants.  In order to stick with my protein and vegetable diet, I searched for recipes on how to cook acorn squash and eggplant.  I found two super recipes which turned out super!  I made garlic butter acorn squash and ratatouille!

In the slicing and dicing of said veggies, I managed to slice off a chunk of my right thumb.  Yes, again.  Before you say it, I did use the safety guard!  My eggplant slipped off of it and with that, went my thumb.

So, needless to say, I haven't been able to type or do much of anything else.  I am learning to use my remaining digits while my thumb heals.  I'll be back on the blogosphere as often and as quickly as possible.  Meanwhile, say a prayer for me or send me a positive thought the next time you eat cabbage salad or step on the scale!

1 comment:

  1. Mo, chopping off digits is no way to lose weight! I am glad you are sticking to your diet despite this horrifying experience!
    -- Tony
